Thursday, December 11, 2014

HOW EXACTLY TOPPIK WORKS ? ( Toppik Malaysia )

 HOW EXACTLY TOPPIK WORKS ?  ( Toppik Malaysia )


The Toppik hair building fibers are tiny microfibers that are the building strands of the system, and they actually look like real, natural human hair.  It is not at all surprising that the Toppik hair building fibers so closely resemble human hair because they are both made from keratin. Keratin is the same protein based material found in your own hair which is responsible for the growth of your hair and nails.

Indeed, one of the hallmarks of the Toppik Hair Building Fiber system is the heavy use of natural inputs such as keratin, vitamin a and vitamin c in the manufacturing process.
The use of these organic materials in the development of the Toppik hair fibers makes the product safe and natural.  If you were to put the fibers in one hand and your own hair strands in another hand, once you have chosen the correct color Toppik hair fiber, you would have to look very closely to see the differences . Toppik is available in eight (8) different colors can be mixed together as needed so that you can get as close as possible to the actual color nuances that you have in your own hair.

The Toppik Hair Building system has been called hair confidence in a bottle because it so quickly and easily fills in your balding or thinning areas.  Once you have selected the correct Toppik fiber color that is close to your natural hair color, the Toppik fibers are almost undetectable even if someone is less than ten inches away from you. Toppik hair fibers will not “run” because they are resistant to perspiration and rain. The hair fibers will stay put and can be easily styled. They will wash out with shampoo.

For more info , please visit

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